Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cotybear is the 'comeback" kid!

Well cotybear is on the comback trail and doing very well now. The vet. said he did have a mild stroke and his head is sort of leaning to the left a little, but in time that will change and go back to normal. We give him one bayer aspirin in the morning and again at night. This will help with his arthritis and help him move around alot better. He has improved so much in the past week and we're all very happy to see him get back to his old self again. One thing though,lol, he is totally off table scraps for good now. We can no longer give him anything from the table and those are dr's orders now. Cotybear is not liking this new diet at all. We've always given him Iamm's dry dog food and for the most part he ate it but always knowing there was going to be a meat treat when dinner was done like steak or chicken or pork chop, lol !! Soooo, what does he do? Well, he waits till he knows there is nothing else coming his way and then retreats to his bowl of healthy food. For your own good Coty!! sorry guy but thems the rules now. lol Now, if someone would do the same for me that would be great!! lol

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Blues

Today is not a great day as our dear Cotybear (our golden retriever) is not having a good one at all. He's 14 yrs. and today for the first time we saw his legs very wabbly and trying his best to keep up on them. We thought we would give him two advil to help with the arthritis but since then he looks glazed in his eyes and not really wanting to walk to much. The Vet said we should not have given him the advil ( I could kick myself for doing that) as he is old and they were concerned about his liver. We were told to watch him carefully, which we are doing and to call the Vet in the morning for a check in. He does still seem very emotionally happy and wags his tail when we or friends come over and pat and love him. We're hoping that this will pass and we can chalk it up to a bad day for an old guy but we're being cautious now and watching everything he does. He did eat and drink today and thats a good sign at least.
On another note, I'm receiving comments but forgot what Martha told me to do to respond to those comments. Sooooo, sorry to those that have left comments. I don't mean to be rude but can't find a way to do so. Bare with me on that,lol On my way to bed soon and hoping tomorrow will be a brighter one for Cotybear.
Goodnight all

Friday, October 3, 2008

Still confused here

There are still so many questions and frustration is settin in big time! lol I've somehow managed to do the "follow" thing to list other's journals in mine. Now about those so called "feeders", and also the journals I've got are now in my dashboard but...... they're duplicated like three times each. I don't know how or why that happened and guess they'll stay like that until I figure out how to get rid of the them. lol Oh, I also don't know how to leave a comment in other journals. the page there is confusing and I don't know which to choose and not sure If I should be leaving others's http or mine??? I will continue posting things here hopefully to get answers and to keep in touch with the people that know how to leave a comment here. Lets just say, I'm in the game, but lagging behind and trying like hell to catch up! lol lol

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Getting ready for Caitlin's sweet 16 party


It seems like yesterday that my granddaughter was born and now I've blinked and she's turning 16. My daughter has made arrangements for her to have her birthday extravganza at a local restraunt complete with a sit down dinner to include salad, baked haddock with roasted potatoes,chicken,ziti with broccolli, chicken tenders and of course pizza to try and keep within making the kids and adults happy all at the same time. She also has had huge banners made up with her picture on them and ordered candy M&M's with her name on them along with sweet 16. There will be approx. 80 people there to help her celebrate this momentous occasion. At least 30 of them are her friends of course, lol and the rest is family. We will also be entertained with a DJ and his disco lighting effects and a woman dancer to help get the mood going on the dance floor. The dancer comes with the DJ package. Of course I will bring my camera along to capture all the fun I can and will post them here. It is this week-end on Saturday evening from 7:00-11:00 p.m. Her first ever party in the We're all very excited and can't wait.

Don't know exactly how but I'm here and pics posted

Well this second entry into my so called new home and I really don't know what I'm doing yet but I've somehow muddled through with getting a few features within it. Its a wing and a prayer in getting through this process. I'm not familiar with anything here. My hope is that I will be able to stay in touch with my AOL journalers. My pictures here represent "new horizons" for me in my new home and I also wanted to check out the photo inserting process too. I'm not sure if all this format will stay as I'm just getting my feet wet so to speak and trying things out here. I'm trying to find familiar things as I had on AOL journals but I think that will be hard to duplicate. I hope friends will be able to find me and I find them soon. Its lonlely out here by myself,lol !!!

A new scary but optomistic day for me

This is the first entry I am making here on blogspot. I have been on AOL for years and now they have closed their doors to journalers like myself and I know I'm not the only one left out in the cold and not exactly knowing what or how to do it. The fact that I'm posting a comment means that I at least got through the process of utilizing my new home. Beyond that however,everything is still quite confusing for me and I don't have a clue as to how to find any old aol friends but hopefully with time I will learn how to get around blogspot and possibly meet new friends. I've always enjoyed entering photos within my journal and hope that I can do that here as well without to much trouble. I am going to try and stay positive as I start over in a new place. Time will tell how well I do.